Tsukemono are Japanese pickled vegetables, eaten as tasty side dishes with a meal, or when having drinks.
In Japan, many people make their own tsukemono, for example from ginger, daikon (Japanese radish), plum, cucumber or Chinese cabbage. HARIO’s Tsukemono Glass Slim allows you to easily prepare traditional tsukemono, or to try and create your own recipes!
The glass is heatproof, which also means that smells and colours from food won’t easily stick to it, making it ideal to reuse again and again!

Fassungsvermögen 800ml // // Körper: Hitzebeständiges Glas // Cobblestone: Borosilikatglas // Deckel: AS-Harz // Verpackung, Cobblestone-Deckel: Silikonkautschuk // // Körper, Pflasterstein, Deckel: MADE IN JAPAN // Verpackung: HERGESTELLT IN CHINA // Kopfsteinpflaster: HERGESTELLT IN VIETNAM// Modell: TGS-800-T